Showing posts with label Mafia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mafia. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Entrevista de Roberto Cabrini (Brazilian Mafia)

Entrevista de Roberto Cabrini (TV Bandeirantes) a un capo de la mafia brasileña a raíz de unos atentados en Sao Paulo.  Fue realizada en Mayo de 2006 vía celular a la cárcel.  Algunos la suponen apócrifa, aun así tiene buenos puntos.

Los estados poderosos sólo pueden sostenerse por el crimen. Los estados pequeños sólo son virtuosos porque son débiles.

Mijail Bakunin

1814-1876. Revolucionario ruso.

Marcos Camacho, mejor conocido por el sobrenombre de Marcola, es el máximo dirigente de una organización criminal carcelaria de Sao Paulo (Brasil) denominada Primer Comando de la Capital (PCC). Las respuestas de Marcola nos aproximan a lo que puede ser el futuro de la delincuencia común en América Latina.

O Globo: ¿Usted es del PCC?
Marcola: Más que eso, yo soy una señal de estos tiempos. Yo era pobre e invisible. Ustedes nunca me miraron durante décadas y antiguamente era fácil resolver el problema de la miseria. El diagnóstico era obvio: migración rural, desnivel de renta, pocas villas miseria, discretas periferias; la solución nunca aparecía… ¿Qué hicieron? Nada. ¿El Gobierno Federal alguna vez reservó algún presupuesto para nosotros? Nosotros sólo éramos noticia en los derrumbes de las villas en las montañas o en la música romántica sobre "la belleza de esas montañas al amanecer", esas cosas…

Ahora estamos ricos con la multinacional de la droga. Y ustedes se están muriendo de miedo. Nosotros somos el inicio tardío de vuestra conciencia social.

O Globo: Pero la solución sería…
Marcola: ¿Solución? No hay solución, hermano. La propia idea de "solución" ya es un error.
¿Ya vio el tamaño de las 560 villas miseria de Río? ¿Ya anduvo en helicóptero por sobre la periferia de San Pablo? ¿Solución, cómo? Sólo la habría con muchos millones de dólares gastados organizadamente, con un gobernante de alto nivel, una inmensa voluntad política, crecimiento económico, revolución en la educación, urbanización general y todo tendría que ser bajo la batuta casi de una "tiranía esclarecida" que saltase por sobre la parálisis burocrática secular, que pasase por encima del Legislativo cómplice. Y del Judicial que impide puniciones. Tendría que haber una reforma radical del proceso penal de país, tendría que haber comunicaciones e inteligencia entre policías municipales, provinciales y federales (nosotros hacemos hasta "conference calls" entre presidiarios…)

Y todo eso costaría billones de dólares e implicaría una mudanza psicosocial profunda en la estructura política del país. O sea: es imposible. No hay solución.
O Globo: ¿Usted no tiene miedo de morir?
Marcola: Ustedes son los que tienen miedo de morir, yo no. Mejor dicho, aquí en la cárcel ustedes no pueden entrar y matarme, pero yo puedo mandar matarlos a ustedes allí afuera. Nosotros somos hombres-bombas. En las villas miseria hay cien mil hombres-bombas. Estamos en el centro de lo insoluble mismo. Ustedes en el bien y el mal y, en medio, la frontera de la muerte, la única frontera. Ya somos una nueva "especie", ya somos otros bichos, diferentes a ustedes.
La muerte para ustedes es un drama cristiano en una cama, por un ataque al corazón. La muerte para nosotros es la comida diaria, tirados en una fosa común.

¿Ustedes intelectuales no hablan de lucha de clases, de ser marginal, ser héroe? Entonces ¡llegamos nosotros! ¡Ja, ja, ja…! Yo leo mucho; leí 3.000 libros y leo a Dante, pero mis soldados son extrañas anomalías del desarrollo torcido de este país..
No hay más proletarios, o infelices, o explotados. Hay una tercera cosa creciendo allí afuera, cultivada en el barro, educándose en el más absoluto analfabetismo, diplomándose en las cárceles, como un monstruo Alien escondido en los rincones de la ciudad. Ya surgió un nuevo lenguaje. Es eso. Es otra lengua.
Está delante de una especie de post miseria.

Eso..  La post miseria genera una nueva cultura asesina, ayudada por la tecnología, satélites, celulares, Internet, armas modernas. Es la mierda con chips, con megabytes.
O Globo: ¿Qué cambió en las periferias?
Marcola: Mangos. Nosotros ahora tenemos. ¿Usted cree que quien tiene 40 millones de dólares como Beira Mar no manda? Con 40 millones de dólares la  prisión es un hotel, un escritorio… ¿Cuál es la policía que va a quemar esa mina de oro, entiende? Nosotros somos una empresa moderna, rica. Si el funcionario vacila, es despedido y "colocado en el microondas".  

Ustedes son el estado quebrado, dominado por incompetentes.
*Nosotros tenemos métodos ágiles de gestión. Ustedes son lentos, burocráticos. Nosotros luchamos en terreno propio. Ustedes, en tierra extraña. Nosotros no tememos a la muerte. Ustedes mueren de miedo. Nosotros estamos bien armados. Ustedes tienen calibre 38. Nosotros estamos en el ataque. Ustedes en la defensa. Ustedes tienen la manía del humanismo. Nosotros somos crueles, sin piedad. Ustedes nos transformaron en "super stars" del crimen.  Nosotros los tenemos de payasos. Nosotros somos ayudados por la población de las villas miseria, por miedo o por amor. Ustedes son odiados. Ustedes son regionales, provincianos. Nuestras armas y productos vienen de afuera, somos "globales". Nosotros no nos olvidamos de ustedes, son nuestros "clientes". Ustedes nos olvidan cuando pasa el susto de la violencia que provocamos.*(WOW!!)

O Globo: ¿Pero, qué debemos hacer?
Marcola: Les voy a dar una idea, aunque sea en contra de mí. ¡Agarren a "los barones del polvo" (cocaína)! Hay diputados, senadores, empresarios,  hay EX presidentes  en el medio de la cocaína y de las armas. ¿Pero, quién va a hacer eso? ¿El ejército? ¿Con qué plata?

No tienen dinero ni para comida de los reclutas. Estoy leyendo "Sobre la guerra", de Klausewitz. No hay perspectiva de éxito. Nosotros somos hormigas devoradoras, escondidas en los rincones. Tenemos hasta misiles anti-tanque. Si embroman, van a salir unos Stinger. Para acabar con nosotros… solamente con una bomba atómica en las villas miseria. ¿Ya pensó? ¿Ipanema radiactiva?

  O Globo: Pero… ¿No habrá una solución?
Marcola: Ustedes sólo pueden llegar a algún suceso si desisten de defender la "normalidad". No hay más normalidad alguna. Ustedes precisan hacer una autocrítica de su propia incompetencia. Pero a ser franco, en serio, en la moral. Estamos todos en el centro de lo insoluble. Sólo que nosotros vivimos de él y ustedes no tienen salida. Sólo la mierda. Y nosotros ya trabajamos dentro de ella. Entiéndame, hermano, no hay solución. ¿Saben por qué? Porque ustedes no entienden ni la extensión del problema. Como escribió el divino Dante: " Pierdan todas las esperanzas. Estamos todos en el infierno"

=== Triste pero cierto.

Monday, November 12, 2007



Reese Feldman from Starsky and HutchWith a moustache that would look at home on Ron Jeremy (or some part of his body anyway), Reese Feldman is a dealer that’s got the 70’s look down cold. He’s got every right to feel like a big ol’ pimp: he’s just discovered an untraceable form of cocaine that’s going to make him rich. He has it all – a drug empire, a boat – sorry, a yacht - and even Kitty, his dumb girlfriend on the side. The one thing he didn’t count on was getting busted by the Frat Pack’s finest - David Starsky and Ken ‘Hutch’ Hutchinson - who eventually brought Feldman to justice after ruining his daughter’s Bat Mitzvah and shooting her pet pony. Still, Reese’s gear was top-notch if Starsky’s drug-fuelled dance-off is anything to go by, and Hutch put it to good use in a three-way with Carmen Electra and Amy Smart. Arrest him? Those guys should have thanked him.

Say what? “Am I tanning weird?”

Rupert from The Rules of AttractionQuite clearly a few ounces short of a gram, coked-up Rupert should perhaps heed the age-old dealer advice: “Don’t get high on your own supply.” Surrounded by piles of cocaine, he paces back and forth in his pig sty of an apartment, brandishing a gun in the face (and forehead) of a frightened James Van Der Beek, who’s looking to sell weed on campus. Rupert is not convinced of Dawson’s dealing abilities, claiming he needs his services like he needs an asshole on his elbow: “I think you're a rich motherfucking motherfucker who owes me a fucking fuckload of motherfuckin' cash, that's what I think, you rich motherfuckin' motherfucker.” Not only does too much blow limit Rupert’s vocabulary, it’s making him lose his cool – all those drugs racing through his blood didn’t stop him from being shown up by TV’s wettest teen.

Say what? “You want some coke? Then buy your own, bitch.”

Youngblood Priest from SuperflyYoungblood Priest was never going to sweep roads for a living – with a name like that, he was destined to be either a high rollin’, big pimpin’ drug dealer, or a porn star. Choosing the former (although he’s dynamite in bed), Priest quickly became one of New York City’s coolest pushermen, but the life of a dealer was not for him. Opting for one last big deal, Youngblood planned to live off his $1 million score and get the police off his back for good. Despite several twists, turns and double-crosses, Priest still kept his cool and cashed out, putting one over ‘the man’ who claimed that without a dealer lifestyle, he’ll be nothing but a “two-bit nigger junkie.” As he hopped into his tricked-out Caddy and drove into the sunset to the sounds of Curtis Mayfield, he leaves you wondering if a career in cocaine management isn’t such a bad idea after all.

Say what? “You don’t own me, pig, and no motherfucker tells me when I can split.”

Todd Gaines from GoDoug Liman’s Pulp Fiction-style story of pill-popping club-goers wouldn’t be complete without a drug dealer extraordinaire, so say hello to Todd Gaines – the creepy looking topless psycho wearing the Santa hat. Todd is a laid back kinda fellow who agrees to offload twenty hits of Ecstasy to willing young Ronna, but being a businessman first and foremost, requires collateral. “I already got a fuckin’ Swatch,” he says, before wisely choosing to keep Katie Holmes’ Claire company for the evening. Despite a sinister look in his eye that only a killer from a Scream movie can have, Todd ends up banging Cruise’s missus on the steps of his house, with Claire unaware her new gentlemen lover has left her best friend for dead in a ditch – hey, it’s just business. All this, and at Christmas too. Ho ho fuckin’ ho.

Say what? “I give head before I give favours and I don't even give my best friends head so your chances of getting a favour are pretty fucking slim.”

Henry Hill from Goodfellas“As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.” Oh Henry, if only you’d stuck to grand theft and gunning down goombas, maybe you wouldn’t have lived out the rest of your life like a schnook. It was only when he dabbled in drugs that Hank’s life started to go down the shitter, despite mentor Paulie telling him it was a mug’s game. Witness the scene in which Henry juggles his responsibilities as a drug dealer and a family man: one minute he’s cooking a slap-up meal for his nearest and dearest, the next he’s racing off to see his mistress and shipping an ungodly amount of cocaine that would give even Paris Hilton a nosebleed. The Feds eventually catch up with Henry – paranoid and convinced he’s marked for death, he rats on his mafia family and ends up without a friend in the world. Probably should have stuck with hijacking trucks, then.

Say what? "Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. Place got hit by lightning huh? Fuck you, pay me."

5. JAY from the VIEW ASKEW movies
Jay from the Jay and Silent Bob moviesA small town dealer and Jersey born and bred, Jay is always representing out front of his local Quick Stop, pounds of pot in his pocket and eager to make a deal. Shit, give him your order and he’ll even sing you a song if you’re lucky, perhaps a number by his favourite band, “Morris Day and the motherfuckin’ Time” – clearly, years of being a mallrat have left his tiny mind in a musical muddle. Forever flanked by his hetero-lifemate Silent Bob, Jay has made quite a living shifting dope: together, the two clueless stoners saved up enough to buy the convenience store they were permanently attached to, on the proviso they were allowed to continue dealing outside – now that’s a sound business investment. Jay was pretty much a given to appear on this list, given actor Jason Mewes’ fearless method acting – he spent years hitting the crack pipe to research for the role.

Say what? “Fifteen bucks little man / put that shit in my hand”

Clarence from True RomanceLike the other low-down crooks on this page, Clarence didn’t become a drug dealer by choice. After meeting sweet ho Alabama and falling in love, Clarence attempts to straighten things out with her pimp. Does everything go to plan? Hell no – this is a Quentin Tarantino screenplay after all – and instead of getting Alabama’s belongings and leaving quietly, he ends up shooting poor old Drexl and half-inches a suitcase of his Colombian marching powder by mistake. Clarence arranges a deal with Hollywood producer Lee Donowitz, but it goes predictably tits up – first when his gopher Eliot is pulled over by the cops while covered in coke, and secondly when the wimpy prick turns up at the deal wearing a wire. Clarence, cool as fuck, escapes relatively unscathed from the resulting shoot-out and goes on to live a life of luxury with his southern gal and young son in Cancun – surely a high no drug can match.

Say what? “I always said if I had to fuck a guy… I’d fuck Elvis.”

George Jung from BlowGeorge is a shining example to aspiring drug dealers – think big, and there’s no limit to the success you can achieve (or the prison sentence you’ll receive). Starting out as a lowly pot dealer in southern California, George hooks up with Paul ‘Pee-wee Herman’ Reubens, a big-time distributor with whom he makes some serious bank. After his own mother turns him in, George meets a Columbian contact in prison, and no sooner than he’s walked free, he’s hitting up head honcho Pablo Escobar and supplying grade-A cocaine to the US – at one point, approximately 85% of the white stuff in America came through Jung. George lived the high life – kicking it with wifey Penelope Cruz in his south Cali pad – but eventually he realised that crime doesn’t pay, and he lived out his days in jail. However, Johnny Depp was forever affected by playing the coke-addled dealer – you think Captain Jack Sparrow is straight edge? Please.

Say what? Danbury wasn't a prison, it was a crime school. I went in with a Bachelor of marijuana, came out with a Doctorate of cocaine.”

Danny the Dealer from Withnail & IDanny is the quintessential drug dealer – wild-eyed, frazzled and not entirely from this planet. Listening to him spouting conspiracy theories (“Hair are your aerials - all hairdressers are in the employment of the government”) you’re left in no doubt Danny has smoked one too many Camberwell Carrots in his time. When the pretentious Withnail questions his drug intake, Danny removes his sunglasses and reveals the devastation that lies behind them. “Don’t get uptight with me, man,” he intones flatly. “Because if you do, I’ll have to give you a dose of medicine, and if I spike you, you’ll know you’ve been spoken to.” Wisely, Danny also has a back-up plan should his dealing business ever go south – along with his partner Presuming Ed, he’s planning on launching a range of dolls that shit themselves. Items, it has to be said, yet to appear on the shelves at Toys ‘R’ Us.

Say what? “Have either of you got shoes?”

Tony Montana from ScarfaceForget those small-time, ten-dollar chancers – if you’re going to be a pusher, then do it in style. Tony Montana – Scarface to his enemies – was a self-made man who dragged himself up from the Cuban slums to make it as the most feared drug dealer in America. At the height of his power, Montana was a gangster extraordinaire, with Michelle Pfieffer bouncing on his dick, pinstripe suits for every occasion and mountains of coke spread around his plush Florida mansion. His rags-to-riches story and ‘fuck joo’ attitude continue to be an inspiration to moronic gangsters everywhere (all of whom presumably haven't seen the last few minutes where a cocaine-fuelled Montana is riddled full of bullets) and the legend even lived to deal another day in the Scarface videogame. The world was his, but it just wasn’t enough.

Say what? “Say hello to my leetle friend!” After snorting that much coke, we presume he’s talking about his penis.

Cosa Nostra - Questione d'onore

  1. Se prohíbe “prestar dinero directamente a un amigo”. Si es necesario, se hará a través de una tercera persona.
  2. “No se mira a las mujeres de nuestros amigos”.
  3. “Prohibido cualquier tipo de relación con la policía”.
  4. “Un hombre de honor no debe dejarse ver en tabernas y círculos sociales”.
  5. “Si el deber te llama, debes estar disponible siempre”, incluso “si tu mujer está a punto de parir”.
  6. “Puntualidad y respeto de manera categórica”.
  7. “Fidelidad total a la esposa”.
  8. “Se está obligado a decir siempre la verdad”.
  9. “Se puede matar, extorsionar, traficar, pero nunca robar el dinero de otros padrinos o de otros clanes mafiosos”.
  10. No se permite la entrada de “quien tiene un familiar en las fuerzas del orden”, quien ha “traicionado sentimentalmente” a la mujer, tiene “un mal comportamiento o no demuestra valores morales”.
Salvatore Lo Piccolo - Il Barone
(Palermo, July 20, 1942)

El próximo mes me nivelo (Julio Ramón Ribeyro, 1969)

El próximo mes me nivelo El próximo mes me nivelo (no se publicó como un libro individual,  fue publicado en 1972  como parte del  segundo t...